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August 28, 2000 "Wow! My life just changed
for-ever" Exclaimed the new older brother. "Just when I've mastered
single life, my folks brought this...this...baby home to live with us. Sha...!
She doesn't talk, walk or know how to make engine noises---what gives?" Adam allowed
how some aspects of his life did change for the better. "The best part of this new...baby...is
that she brought a big box of Brio® train equipment with her. I'm
not exactly sure how she carried it with her---and smart money says not to ask too
many questions---but it has beautifully expanded the back room play time." What's
ahead for our boy?
"What really worries me is that in 16 years, she's going to want to date my
November 25, 1999 "What's the big deal about
Turkey?" Said our boy on Thanksgiving. "It looks just like Cyprus!" After
explaining that the bird in Uncle Rick Davis' hands was worth at least two on the plate,
Adam dug in, and thoroughly enjoyed his holiday feast. He had turkey, delicious
four-mushroom stuffing, and a slab of pie, afterwhich he conducted the Thompson-Davis
madrigals in the classic tune In the Gloaming.
He's walking, running, and able to identify airplane parts. "The propellers are the
easiest, but those jets have them inside the engines, so it's harder to identify"
Wings, props, tail, he knows all and tells all.
August 1, 1999 "Being over a year old is
easy", Adam told us recently. "Getting over the step from the back room to the
kitchen is hard". Stepping is one thing, but our boy-in-motion has been
practicing interpretative dance, Tele-Tubby dance, and oriental-rug soft shoe in his back
room studio/loft, all while spiraling counter-clockwise.
"It's really nature's direction--not mine," the sturdy 16 month old
said. "After swimming at Ocracoke---yes I call it swimming, even though my folks wouldn't
let go when the best waves hit---the life of a land-locked toddler-to-be would be pretty
boring without good music, and in a decent room in which to shake one's diaper
While his folks appreciate his careful use of participles, they note that Adam has had a
busy schedule, with new teeth appearing rapidly.
"Frankly, after getting some molars, I see what the food excitement is all
about", opined Adam. "And I thought teeth were only good for holding
January 14, 1999 After a wild
swing around the Midwest, Adam says he's ready to settle in for the winter. "I really
missed some of my toys while travelling---even though I had a 'good haul' at both
grandparents." He said recently. "There's something soooo comforting about my
bears and bunnies, that I get teary just thinking about them."
Always trying to better himself, Adam learned how to wave, courtesy of Aunt Marcy, and how
to take steps, courtesy of Cousin Amanda. "I think the term 'baby steps' is insulting
to us babies" the little boy quipped. "I prefer to think of them as
balanced-challenged steps, plus I can do a pretty good imitiation of the [Internet
sensation] drunken baby while walking. My next challenge is to walk with a bottle, and
learn how to ice skate."
As we're waiting for the next set of pictures to return from the developer's ("Again??!?"
Adam exclaims), please stay tuned while we dig out and fetch them.
November 8, 1998. With
Halloween barely over, Adam has swung into the Holiday spirit with a new look and festive
attitude. "People are writing to me and asking to see 'the latest snaps',"
the baby boy said. "And they weren't talking about my sleeper. So I hauled myself
over to the local photo studio, and was lucky enough to get a sitting. They had great
props to play with, and with their automated processing, I got my photos back in about an
Adam claims the pics of his Halloween debut are still in the camera. "I can't believe
I had to wear the 'Lil Tiger costume, and not have something to show for it," He
September 14, 1998. A
busy summer for the baby boy, as he finished a grueling cross-country trip from the East
Coast to Ohio-Chicago-Wisconsin-Chicago-Ohio-and thence home.
Well received wherever he appeared, Adam charmed his families with his witty conversation
and lively dance steps.
"What's not to like?" He quipped. "I sit in the back and am chauffeured
across the Midwest, eating McDonald's food at my leisure."
After the Midwest tour, Adam took time out to relax in Twin Mountains, West Virginia.
"I really find the quiet relaxing, because a baby can hear himself yell---if he
chooses to listen."
July 27, 1998. Summer in your nation's capital Adam says the weather this season suits him fine; hot enough to keep his milk warm, but not hot enough for it to sour quickly. "I've found refreshment in Pedialyte brand drinks" he said recently. "It's so much more refreshing than Gatorade, for my money."
Adam says for this summer---his first--- he wants to keep the very
fashionable pale look. "There will never be a better time to have smooth skin without
wrinkles" he confided. "Even though I wanted to run free ---if you know what I
mean--- at Ocracoke this past vacation, mom was adament about covering me completely. I
even enjoyed my own private cabana on Ocracoke's unspoiled beaches". What was our man's
biggest concern this month? "Keeping the sand out of my nook, definately!"
May 24, 1998 Memorial Day Weekend
Adam is at it again. In addition to growing by an inch or two, and several pounds, he has
mastered the grill and perfected his barbeque technique. "It's simple, really"
he says. "The hard part is directing my parents to do the work for me, since I can
barely hold my head up yet."
Adam says his secret is hot coals and cold food. "The best part is the sizzle--I just
love that sound, and can barely stay awake when I hear it." He entertained the Rarey
grandparents, in from Ohio, as well as his aunt Lois Rarey-Kaufman and cousin
"call-me-what-you-will" Amanda Kaufman.
Washington D.C. April 4, 1998 Proud new parents Kerry Thompson and Rich Rarey welcome their new son into the world. Adam Burton Rarey was born at 8:58AM at the Columbia Hospital for Women. Dr. Bruce Bonn delivered the 7 pound, 14 ounce boy with little trouble. Mother Kerry was tired and pleased, father was snapping old fashioned analog photographs during the process.
Being a child from a radio family, Adam had no trouble arriving before the funding credits and next hour's promo. The blessed event was noted by NPR's Scott Simon on Weekend Edition just one hour after Adam arrived.
Family spokesperson Julie
"I-call-it-like-I-see-it" Thompson released the following itinerary for Adam:
8:58AM Saturday 4/4: birth. Had meconium fluid removed his lungs, mouth
and nose, and afterward spent a few minutes visiting with his mom and dad. Praised his
doctor for his flawless technique and fine bedside manner.
9AM - 6AM Sunday. Rest and observation in Neotatal Intensive Care Unit.
Suggested ways on-duty staff could improve efficiency and reduce costs. Suggestions
6AM-2AM Monday. Visited with parents in mom's hospital room. Learned
French, and began work on trans-language computer programming project.
2AM-6AM Monday Decided to kick back and go out with the cute nurses in
Unit D. Returned to room giddy with formula after a "rollicking time". Parents
6AM-4PM Monday Lounged in room with parents. Taught folks how to play
Michigan Rummy. Won $20 from nursing staff.
5PM Monday 4/6 Arrive home. Took tour of house, suggested structural
improvements, then moved into his bassinet for much needed rest.
Washington, DC May 9,1998 It's smiles all around for master Adam B. Rarey. Restored to health after a bout with colic, our boy-about-the-house is now practicing complex facial expressions, ranging from a very convincing "sleep" pose, to the "I'm ready to think about sleep" pose.
Those former annoyances, diaper changes, are now greeted warmly and
appreciatively. Adam has withheld any endorsements until, he says, "I'm past that newborn
stage---it was so last month"
Pampers has been courting Adam to appear in a 6 picture deal, featuring their product in a
variety of action-adventure situations, a la Bruce Willis.
"I'm not convinced I should sign with them" says Adam, "At least Huggies
have those wonderful Velcro tabs that keep me comfortable and ready-for-action."
In addition to his picture deals, Adam is still working with
children's clothing manufacturers to "make cozier sleepers". Among his agenda
items is to make "breakaway" baby clothes, so that he no longer must endure the
vexing shirt-over-the-head pull. Adam's new clothing line features a "one-tug"
feature that will allow him to completely shed his outfit with a gentle pull. "The
kinks aren't completely worked out" he says of his products. "I keep
triggering it accidentially in my bassinet, and waking up cold and nearly naked."
When Adam was asked what he wished to be called, he requested to see the Thompson and
Rarey family trees. One of the offspring of the first Rarey in America, Charles Rarey, was
Adam Rarey (1786-1839). This Adam was born in Rockingham County, Virginia, and was a
Private in the war of 1812. He later moved to Ohio, became a farmer and built a house of
public entertainment in central Ohio. His son, William Rarey, was a co-founder of Groveport, Ohio.
Another son of Adam's, John Solomon Rarey, was the
Horse Whisperer.
Our modern-day Adam liked the name "Adam", and noted with pride that his first
cousins Aaron, Amanda, Andrea and Amy all had "A" names too.
Since Adam always fancied himself a "prairie baby", he wanted to honor his
mother's great-grandmother, Rebecca Burton (1858-1950). We are told she worked hard building a life
in South Dakota in the 19th century. She and her husband, Civil War veteran Samuel Mills,
raised nine children. See also The lineage
of Rebecca Burton.
Adam thinks the name "Burton" has strength and dignity.